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Tendons connect muscles to bones, creating support and stability. In the ankle, there are several tendons that provide support to the joint and foot. Two of the tendons are the peroneus longus and peroneus brevis, which run behind the bony protrusion on the outside of the ankles. Inflammation or irritation of these tendons is called peroneal tendonitis. Our orthopedic specialists at DOCS Health offer peroneal tendonitis treatments at our medical center in Los Angeles.

Causes and Symptoms of Peroneal Tendonitis

The peroneus longus and peroneus brevis tendons in the ankle support and help control the outside of the ankle. These tendons keep the foot correctly positioned when walking and are integral with movement of the foot to the outside. Stress on these tendons could cause tears or damage, resulting in inflammation or peroneal tendonitis. It is more common in those with high arches or misaligned heels that allow for more stress on these two tendons. Symptoms of peroneal tendonitis include:

  • Swelling and warmth on the outside, back of the ankle
  • Pain on the back of the ankle
  • Pain when turning the foot in or out
  • Pain worsens with activity
  • Ankle instability

Conservative treatment is usually recommended for peroneal tendonitis. Most patients can recover without surgery, even with some tendon tears, with a customized treatment plan. Conservative treatments include anti-inflammatory medications, physical therapy and custom orthotics. For severe peroneal tendon tears, surgery may be required to repair the damaged tendon.

If you have symptoms of peroneal tendonitis and want to explore treatment options, contact our team of orthopedic specialists at DOCS Health today for an appointment. We offer advanced options in surgical and non-surgical peroneal tendonitis treatment at our state-of-the-art medical center in Los Angeles.

Doctors who treat this condition

Unless otherwise indicated, the physician is a member of DOCS Health Medical Group and has medical staff privileges at DOCS Surgery Center, DOCS Surgical Hospital, or both. Physicians denoted with an asterisk (*) are independent physicians who are not part of DOCS Health Medical Group, but do have medical staff privileges at DOCS Surgery Center, DOCS Surgical Hospital, or both.